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Monday, December 3

This is Christmas

Jason and I always decorate for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving. We go out of town every year for Christmas so we like to decorate and enjoy it for as long as we can.

Jason wasn't feeling well the day after Christmas so I decorated the tree. Last year we bought a fake tree because our apartment so was small {we couldn't even put up the whole tree last year. We had to leave the back side bare}. So, I set up the fake tree and got it all decorated.

After it was all set up, Jason got a call from our good friends asking if we wanted to go Christmas tree hunting with them. We said we'd go, and we weren't sure if we would actually get a real tree since we already had one {Jason really had to convince me}. 

We bought a tag and drove an hour away to the Targhee National Forest. Once we were there I knew we'd be getting a real tree. We walked around an area for a while, but didn't find anything we liked. We drove into the forest a little farther. Then we saw a bunch of good little tree that would be perfect on the side of the mountain. We got out of the car and started hiking up the mountain, where we found this little beauty. 

We "chopped" him down and Jason carried him back down the mountain. 

The boys were proud of the "game they caught."

We took our tree back home, made a quick run to Pizza Pie Cafe to celebrate our good fortunes and then came back home and finished decorating the house, and the new tree!

We love our real tree. It's not perfect, but it's cute and has a lot of character...and weird branches that jut out in odd place...but really we love it. 

Christmas lights around windows really make me feel like it's Christmas time. 

It's been fun getting ready for Christmas. Happy December everyone, and Merry Christmas!

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