I'm a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints also known as the Mormons.
I believe that Jesus Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of mankind. I know that Jesus loves me. He came to earth to perform the atonement. Through the atonement I am able to be forgiven of my sins. I also know that through the atonement of Jesus Christ, Christ knows who I am and can personally help me.
I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet called of God, like prophets of the New and Old Testaments. I believe that God restored the true gospel through Joseph Smith. I know that Joseph Smith died a martyr, standing up for what he believed in.
I am thankful to my ancestors who crossed mountains, rivers and faced countless trials because they were driven out of the United States of America, by mobs. I am thankful for their faith in the true gospel that carried them from state to state, trying to find refuge and the freedom to practice their religion without persecution.
I believe in God as my eternal father. I believe in Jesus Christ. I know this is the true church that God established.

I believe that Jesus Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of mankind. I know that Jesus loves me. He came to earth to perform the atonement. Through the atonement I am able to be forgiven of my sins. I also know that through the atonement of Jesus Christ, Christ knows who I am and can personally help me.
I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet called of God, like prophets of the New and Old Testaments. I believe that God restored the true gospel through Joseph Smith. I know that Joseph Smith died a martyr, standing up for what he believed in.
I am thankful to my ancestors who crossed mountains, rivers and faced countless trials because they were driven out of the United States of America, by mobs. I am thankful for their faith in the true gospel that carried them from state to state, trying to find refuge and the freedom to practice their religion without persecution.
I believe in God as my eternal father. I believe in Jesus Christ. I know this is the true church that God established.