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Tuesday, June 14

Cute + Cool = The perfect summer outfit equation

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Dressing for summer weather is hard enough, but being pregnant on top of that has really pushed me to create the perfect outfit equation so that I feel good and look good. Click through to see my tips!
Dressing for summer weather is hard enough, but being pregnant on top of that has really pushed me to create the perfect outfit equation so that I feel good and look good. Click through to see my tips!
Dressing for summer weather is hard enough, but being pregnant on top of that has really pushed me to create the perfect outfit equation so that I feel good and look good. Click through to see my tips!
Dressing for summer weather is hard enough, but being pregnant on top of that has really pushed me to create the perfect outfit equation so that I feel good and look good. Click through to see my tips!
Dressing for summer weather is hard enough, but being pregnant on top of that has really pushed me to create the perfect outfit equation so that I feel good and look good. Click through to see my tips!

I should have learned from my last pregnancy that heat and a pregnant me don't mix very well. But I must be glutton for punishment because here I am heading into June 6 months pregnant. 

Being a hot pregnant mess is tough enough when I'm in basketball shorts and a t-shirt, but actually trying to look cute during these hot months can be a real challenge for me. I like to look at least somewhat presentable when I leave the house so I've had to find a way to put together an outfit that's going to keep me cool and make me feel beautiful at a time when it can be hard to feel that way. 

I've boiled my summer outfit equation down to these three parts. 

Keep my pieces simple

I've always been a fan of basics, but I've found that when I'm pregnant all I want to wear are loose t-shirts and pants. I don't have the energy to coordinate mixed prints and I don't want a ton of layers. Instead, I've found that having a couple of basic tees on hand make getting ready quick and easy, plus I don't have to worry about over heating while wearing them. When I am worried about being cold, I love pairing a denim jacket over an outfit. It gives it a little more depth but I can take it off at any time. 

Make sure my clothes aren't adding heat

I'm all about shorts and skirts in the summer, but I'll be super honest, sometimes shaving is the last thing I want to do! Especially as the summer goes on and my belly gets bigger shaving becomes such a chore! I love these joggers because they're light-weight and super breathable so I can slip them on and not worry about dying of heat exhaustion, or be nervous that someone will notice I haven't shaved today.

Wear comfortable shoes

I am not typically a comfort over fashion person when it comes to shoes. I'll rock a 4 in heel just because they're pretty, but in the summer I never know what kind of opportunities will arise, so I like to make sure I'm wearing a comfortable shoe in case I get an invitation to go out and enjoy the weather. A pair of slip on tennis shoes in a fun color or print make me feel like I tried without actually having to do any work.  I also have a couple pairs of cute, but functional sandals that I like to rotate through during the summer. If your shoe can go from day to night, it's an even better pick!

Pregnant or not, summer fashion has always been a challenge for me since I feel like there's less you can do with your clothes. Ultimately, I think erring on the side of simplicity really helps you feel laid back and relaxed, which is just how summer should feel!

Dressing for summer weather is hard enough, but being pregnant on top of that has really pushed me to create the perfect outfit equation so that I feel good and look good. Click through to see my tips!
22 wk bump

What are your summer staples? What do you like to wear to stay cool and look cute?

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