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Tuesday, September 6

3rd Trimester Woes: Because Pregnancy is Tough

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Pregnancy isn't a walk in the park, as any previously pregnant woman will tell you. I'm being super honest and sharing my third trimester woes. If you want to complain with me head over and leave a comment! You're in great company!

Pregnancy isn't a walk in the park, as any previously pregnant woman will tell you. I'm being super honest and sharing my third trimester woes. If you want to complain with me head over and leave a comment! You're in great company!

Pregnancy isn't a walk in the park, as any previously pregnant woman will tell you. I'm being super honest and sharing my third trimester woes. If you want to complain with me head over and leave a comment! You're in great company!

Pregnancy isn't a walk in the park, as any previously pregnant woman will tell you. I'm being super honest and sharing my third trimester woes. If you want to complain with me head over and leave a comment! You're in great company!

Pregnancy isn't a walk in the park, as any previously pregnant woman will tell you. I'm being super honest and sharing my third trimester woes. If you want to complain with me head over and leave a comment! You're in great company!

Today's post won't inspire you to dress your 3rd trimester bump in the cutest way possible. And it won't tell you how beautiful and glamorous pregnancy is (mostly because it isn't). I'm going to be super real with all of you today because pregnancy is really hard and sometimes we all just need to remember that. Feel free to laugh or cry along with me as I just vent a little bit about how tough the last few weeks of pregnancy really are!

The truth about the 3rd trimester:
  • You are going to swell up like a water balloon. My ankles are gone and have been replaced with canckles and my fingers are stubby sausages. I bought compression socks and have to rock them on the regular. It's so not glamorous. 
  • Nothing fits. At. All. I have one pair of workout shorts that fit right now, but they only stay up when I use a belly band. I've been not so patiently waiting for cooler weather to kick in so I could bust out these maternity leggings, which I'm in love with. 
  • You will be jealous of anyone who has a baby before you. You'll also be super happy for them and will stalk all their newborn photos, but in the back of your mind you're just thinking "Why couldn't that be me?!?!"
  • Sleep eludes you. I tossed and turned until 12:30 a.m. last night dreading having to wake up six hours later. I guess it's just prep for all the middle of the night feedings that will start soon!
  • You can't do as much as you think you can. I had a lofty goal to clean out the fridge on Saturday. I got maybe a third of the way through before I had to call in Jason for reinforcement. Then I had to rest on the couch for like an hour before I had the energy to do anything else. 
  • Everything hurts. I've been to the chiropractor so many times in the last few weeks simply because I can't lay down without pain. I love leaving the office feeling good but the pain comes back a couple hours later after I pick up my toddler and mess up all that hard work. 
  • You can't reach anything that isn't at arm level. Well, you could bend down to get things, but let's be real, will you be able to get back up? 
  • You have zero control over your emotions. I swear I snap at Jason like 20 times a day, and then I can't figure out why he's frustrated. I'm in a good mood now, so he should be too right? Oh yeah, I was freaking out five minutes ago and I'm the only one who has bounced back from that...and barely remembers it. 
  • Pregnancy brain is so, so real. I cannot, for the life of me, remember simple things -- things I've known since I was a kid escape my brain and it takes 10 minutes to figure it out. Or, I'll take a step to go and do something super important and I instantly can't remember what I was going to do. Make lists people! 
  • You simultaneously want your baby to get here asap, but you're super stressed about having a baby. I'm the type who thinks at 37 weeks baby can come any time, but I just realized that I'll have a baby by next Saturday and the thought has me panicked! Am I really ready? Do we have everything? Where's the carseat? Please stay in baby girl, I still need to do so much!!!

What do your pregnancies look like? Are you still running a 5K at 37 weeks or are you all about lounging on the couch and trying not to move? (I'm the latter, in case you were curious!)

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