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Tuesday, October 27

How to wear combat boots: Mom Approved

How to wear combat boots: Mom Approved
How to wear combat boots: Mom Approved
How to wear combat boots: Mom Approved
How to wear combat boots: Mom Approved
How to wear combat boots: Mom Approved
How to wear combat boots: Mom Approved 

I am so incredibly picky when it comes to buying shoes. I have to find the right pair and I will spend years looking before I'll make a purchase. Such is the case with these combat boots. I swear I looked for two years before I finally bought these. I assumed that I would wear them with everything, and they would be perfectly versatile, but it turns out I've really only worn them with leggings. In an effort to get more bang for my buck I'm going to be styling them in 3 different ways. First up, is with a mom approved outfit!

The base to any good momiform starts with a pair of shoes you can chase your kids in. These combat boots fit that bill perfectly. There is no heel, so it's easy to be active. Most combat boots available do have some kind of print or design to them on the inside. I love that when I fold over the top of these boots there is plaid detailing. It gives me that extra print to feel cute and practical.

We went to the pumpkin patch on the day I wore this outfit and I loved that I could chase Benson around and walk though the pumpkin patch without worry! Combat boots, or really any boot, screams fall to me, so I simply paired them with joggers and a tee shirt and felt like fall perfection.

In the spirit of combat boots here are few picks of some great combat boots that are all mom-approved.

Check out all the ways to wear your combat boots!
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