I totally busted out my gloves and scarves before it got really cold in Idaho (because I'm a wimp) but it's totally fitting that I'm writing this post today because we just gout our first real snow fall of the year!
Typically, I dread the winter months because I was not built for cold weather (or for hot weather. I'm more of a mild temperatures kind of girl) but this year I have been wondering when it was going to finally snow. I've slowly built up winter must-haves to help me brave the below freezing temperatures that I deal with all winter long.
This is a guide specifically for accessories, so I'm not including coats, but please do start with a nice warm coat! I think the most important areas to cover in the cold are you hands, neck and head. I feel like these are the areas that can make you either super warm or feel like the weather has a personal vendetta against you.
I probably have poor circulation or something, but when my hands get cold they're nearly impossible to heat back up, so I always make sure to have a pair of gloves handy to prevent the frozen hand syndrome. I absolutely love these "hobo" mittens as I so lovingly have dubbed them. I like to still be able to use my fingers (especially when I need to use my phone), but there there is the flap that pulls up to cover your finger tips when it's really cold. Although, I wouldn't recommend using the gloves in a snowball fight, they pretty much work for eveything else.
Cute and practical glove options
It took me a really long time to get behind scarves. I never thought I could live where it was cold because scarves annoyed me, but I'm finally starting to realize the error of my ways. My sister-in-law gave me this scarf last year for Christmas and I have loved it. It's so big and fluffy. Not only does it cover my neck but when it's really cold I can pull it up over my face to keep my nose warm too.
Here are a couple of fun options in neutral and bold colors!
Whenever I start to get really cold I remember my dad telling me that most of our body heat escapes through out heads. I hate going outside after doing my hair and messing it up by putting a hat on, so I opt for ear muffs. My sweet mother-in-law made me a head wrap (on the right) and I love that it keeps my ears warm and doesn't mess up my hair. My 180 ear muffs are also great but they are thicker so they're better to wear when my hair is up. I've had them since college and I still use them!
I would like to add a couple of beanies to my closet this winter, since they can be styled really cute even when your hair is down. I'm looking at this C.C. Beanie I've seen it everywhere but it's on my Christmas list so we'll see!
Keep those ears warm!
Did I miss anything? What accessories to you use to keep warm during those cold winter months?