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Wednesday, March 9

At the grocery store

Going to the grocery store with Jason is one of my absolute all-time favorite things!

Taking him to Winco, is the best! They have food in bulk, and the first time we went he was absolutely giddy {it was adorable}. I love to watch him pick out food, because he will stand there and compare prices, and quantities. The meat isle is a lot of fun, especially because I hate touching meat. So, Jason will stand there and debate over which meat has the best cut, and amount of fat {I don't actually know what it's all about but I trust him}.

And sometimes we even treat ourselves to a donut. 

P.S. The grocery store is one of the places that made me fall in love with him. The first time we went I think I just stood there giggling. ♥


Taunya said...

He gets his love of the grocery store from his dad. We used to make all the kids come grocery shopping when we went. It's good to see he still likes to go to the grocery store.

Rebekah said...

He loves it. I'm glad that he loves it, because I'm terrible at picking out meat, and he is awesome at it :)