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Friday, February 24


Skirt: (actually a dress) Nautical, Shirt: F21, Belt: JC Penny, Boots, Macy's
Neckalaces: pearls: Icing, other necklace: vintage

I have a slightly embarrassing habit. 
When I listen to music while I walk I actually dance.

and apparently I make that cute face...fun.
It's a dangerous thing to do.
One time I was dance-walking and this guy stared at me
and I saw him laughing. 
Letting me know that dance-walking is not socially acceptable. 
It made me sad. 
I hate walking
 (it's the slowest form of transportation in the world!!)
so dance-waling makes things a little bit better.

Do you dance-walk?
(or is it just me?!?!?)


Christi Lynn said...

cute! that outfit is adorable.

Sharon said...

I totally dance walk :)

Rebekah said...

I'm so glad that I'm not the only one!!

Hannah Haupat said...

haha i dance walk... but sometimes if walking takes to long i'll just run. (works best if you're not carrying anything, that way you don't look crazy and you you have everything under control) :)

Rebekah said...

Han- I usually have a backpack on so I look like a fool! I miss biking all around (it's so much faster!)