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Monday, January 21

Amazon much?

I am kind of loving my life right now. I work part time and that leaves a lot of time for cooking and cleaning and finally decorating our apartment. It also leaves a lot of time to surf the web looking for lots of new things I want. Today, I want a remote to my camera because I'm tired of running to catch the timer just right. Amazon has also become my new best friend in this search...and every search for that matter. I currently have 4 different tabs open looking at shoes and remotes on Amazon. I have also downloaded the app, just in case I feel the urge to look something up while I'm on the go. Writing this all out has started to make me fear that I have a slight Amazon obsession...uh oh

Outfit details
Chambray: Charlotte Russe
Skirt: made by my mom
Tights: Target
Boots: Macy's
Watch: Target
Necklace: Fred Meyer


Harley said...

i love this chambray you are wearing! cute.

Chandra said...

You look great!! It's an amazing feeling to feel happy--PLUS, you look happy! Work it!

More Modern Modesty

Dara McFarlane said...

Because of amazon I am on a first name basis with the UPS and FedEx men....